It sounds very much like joined-up-thinking: Chronology of Bill Gates ethical and financial conflicts of interest in vaccinations, biometric IDs, cryptocurrency and the Mainstream media

Bill Gates comes from a family that supported eugenics: Bill’s dad was a director of Planned Parenthood – an organisation involved in forced sterilisations and the adult Bill Gates has personally admitted that ‘the one issue that grabbed me as Continue reading It sounds very much like joined-up-thinking: Chronology of Bill Gates ethical and financial conflicts of interest in vaccinations, biometric IDs, cryptocurrency and the Mainstream media

EUGENICS AGENDA PART 2: The eugenics agenda: Rockefeller Foundation fund W.H.O. research into tetanus vaccine that the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation would later roll out:

Staff of the Rockefeller Foundation were absolutely serious about solve the problem of hunger in the world with distribution in the world of GMO seeds and GMO crops. Only the intended method of solving the problems they were aimed at Continue reading EUGENICS AGENDA PART 2: The eugenics agenda: Rockefeller Foundation fund W.H.O. research into tetanus vaccine that the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation would later roll out:

EUGENICS AGENDA PART 1: Given that we are currently living through a crisis that has been “predicted” by Bill Gates that is triggering a response from the global health organisations that the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation has bankrolled, and driving us all toward a vaccination and biometric ID “solution” that Gates has been working on for years, the answer to the question who is Bill Gates is quickly becoming one of the most important of our lives….

Bill Gates’ financial and ethical conflicts of interest in the Covid-19 narrative explored: Bill Gates has been interviewed as a “Covid-19 pandemic subject matter expert” by a fawning MSM in numerous interviews across the world with many spellbound by his Continue reading EUGENICS AGENDA PART 1: Given that we are currently living through a crisis that has been “predicted” by Bill Gates that is triggering a response from the global health organisations that the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation has bankrolled, and driving us all toward a vaccination and biometric ID “solution” that Gates has been working on for years, the answer to the question who is Bill Gates is quickly becoming one of the most important of our lives….