Read the Bill and know the totalitiarian dystopia has already arrived:

The last thing Government wants is any countervailing arguments to its plans to institute a Police state in the UK so Coronavirus (Bill HC Bill 122) l is to be fast tracked through parliament and measures include provisions to legally permit:


  • bypassing inquests into deceased persons (Harold Shipman would really have appreciated this legislation back the day wouldn’t he?)
  • Permitting cremation corpses that might otherwise provide ‘smoking gun’ evidence of vaccine damage in the event of a private inquest being carried out.
  • Mandatory detentions
  • Suspension of elections
  • Legal provisions to permit the authorities to enable warrants to snoop into your affairs without the signature of a judicial commissioner (they can get that signature three days later).
  • Suspension of UK ports (expect food shortages when that happens, and the Bill also has a section pertaining to food shortages). Could this be a “starve them into submission” gambit? Lets see.


Some quotes from the Bill are as follows:

Coronavirus (Bill HC Bill 122)

62The Bill will modify the current legislation to disapply the requirement that coroners must conduct any inquest with a jury where they have reason to suspect the death was caused by covid-19. In respect of Northern Ireland, the Bill makes corresponding provision, including in relation to inquests into a death in prison from natural illness.


  1. In England and Wales, the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 places a responsibility on the deceased’s doctor to provide a medical certificate giving, to the best of the doctor’s knowledge and belief the cause of death. This medical certificate is given to the registrar and used to record the cause of death in the death registration. If the doctor is not able to sign the medical certificate, for whatever reason, the death has to be referred to the coroner for investigation. The Bill will simplify this and provide more flexibility in an emergency situation by enabling a doctor who may not have seen the deceased to certify the cause of death without the death being referred to the coroner.


44The Cremation (England and Wales) Regulations 2008 sets out the conditions that must be met before the body of a deceased person may be cremated.  The Bill would allow cremations to take place without the need for additional medical practitioner oversight, reducing the burden on healthcare professionals allowing them to be available to support with other duties. It will also reduce the likelihood of delays to allowing families to be able to make cremation arrangements for the deceased.