Irrefutable evidence that most Irish people have their heads buried: The nations’ collectively stubborn refusal to consider the actual metrics surrounding Covid-19.

Truth-Watch.Today is dismayed that most Irish people will never get their heads out of their own ar**s but we nonetheless remain steadfast in our attempt to coax them to do so. We present the Metrics that most Irish people refuse to consider; metrics that underscore their pig-headed irrationality / downright stupidity in relation to Cobvvid-19

Metric #1: Actual Covid-19 survivability / fatality rates:

U.S. Centre for Disease Control [CDC] Published Covid-19 infection fatality rates are 0.054% for the elderly, i.e. a survivability rate of  99.946%

Looking at the covid-19 infection-Fatality Rate figures from the United States Federally funded Centre for Disease Control [CDC] and based upon 5 different scenarios of covid-19 transmissibility and disease severity tabulated below – we note that the death rates are hardly cause for panic: they show that the Survivability even among those most at risk 70+ years age group ranges from 99.907%  to 99.972%

[Read the Source data here:   ]

Metric #2: Irish survivability / fatality rates line up with CDC figures:

Accepting the Irish Government’s statistics on deaths from Covid-19 at face value, covid-19 fatalities as a percentage of population can be calculated as follows:

The website states that as of 11th January 2021 there have been 2352 Covid-19 related deaths in Ireland,

The current population of the Republic of Ireland is 4,937,786 people and let’s do the maths:

i.e. a miniscule 0.047% of deaths attributed to Covid-19 nationally or to put it another way, a survivability rate of 99.951%

Thus the Irish fatality rate from Covid-19 matches the statistics from the US Centre for Disease Control. Moreover, despite what the Irish Government would have the citizenry believe, the population’s fatality ratio from Covid-19 for people under 70 is anywhere from 0.00002% to 0.01% (i.e. survivability rate is between 99.99998% in young people to 99.99%) and the survivability for those older than 70 is between 99.907% and 99.972%

How Deadly is Covid-19?  By Sebastian Rushworth MD (fully-citated evidence)



Metric #3: Unemployment rates:

CSO figures show that  unemployment is up by 62,800 in year 2020 over 2019 figures (Live Register figures)

And when Truth-Watch.Today visited  the CSO PxStat website back in December 2020 to download the numbers of people in receipt of Pandemic Unemployment Payments by December 2020 we see that a whopping 335,599 people are in receipt of this Government-enforced-unemployment compensation payment:

i.e. by December 2020 an aggregate 398,399 people (a figure equating to 17% of the total numbers working in 2019) no longer earn their usual wage. The Irish Times has reported that over half of Ireland’s businesses are in decline  and with no end in sight for Government appetite for lockdowns the demise of the SME sector is assured and unemployment will reach figures far exceed the great depression. by the end of February 2021 an extra 133,000 had been added to the PUP and an extra 7300 to the live register.


Metric #4: Excess deaths in Ireland during year 2020 was only 970 people (yes you read that right – click on the numbers to go straight to the CSO source data).

The Irish Government want you believe that we are in the grip of a “deadly pandemic “and that we should all be terrified, wear masks and stay indoors but the total number of registered deaths for year 2020 (i.e. deaths from all causes) has only increased by 970 over those of registered in year 2019:

2013 4615000 29504
2014 4645000 29252
2015 4688000 30127
2016 4740000 30667
2017 4792000 30418
2018 4857000 31116
2019 4921500 31134
2020 4937786 32104

Meditate on this:  for an excess death tally of only 970 extra people in 2020 Government has ensured that an extra 398,399 people out of work and living on subsistence level. You don’t have to be a genius to see that most of these people fall into anyone or several of the following categories:


Metric #5 Government have gaslighted the Irish people into believing the absurdity that a national excess death rate of just 997 people in year 2020 justifies the following economic and social carnage (and the sheeple continue to beg for more)

  • 654,545 (PUP) and an extra 62,000 (joining the live register in 2020) people forced out of work and unable to meet household bills and mortgage payments
  • A large percentage of 645,545 unable to me car and other loan repayments
  • Massive scale of business closures across the state with over half of Ireland’s businesses reporting that they are in decline.
  • Owners of collapsed businesses personally on the hook for business debt (Bank’s don’t loan to business without a personal undertaking to pay back from the director and a lean on personal assets – the limited liability clause of a limited company does not shield the director from these realities.)
  • Despair and lack of hope as employment opportunities dry up and the option to travel abroad for work has also disappeared.
  • Marital stress / breakdown caused by any one or several of these points and the resultants stress this has upon children.
  • Stress and mental anguish experienced by parents from not being able to provide for their children
  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Suicidal ideation and exacerbation of mental health problems

And even for those lucky to remain in their jobs, measures still affect people in these ways:

  • Grief and suffering caused to family caused by family member has committed suicide as a result of lockdown
  • Grief and suffering caused to family caused by being prohibited from being with a loved one as they breath their last breaths
  • Grief and suffering caused to family caused by prohibition of friends and family being able to attend funerals in their time of need
  • Supposedly inalienable constitutional rights of freedom of movement, freedom of association, freedom to practice religion and very soon the right to bodily integrity have all been removed and justified because of 997 excess deaths. One wonders how many of those were from suicide alone.
  • Single people unable to find dates because let’s face it romance doesn’t happen when singletons are masked up.

Questions for the reader:

  1. Do you plan to wake up any time soon?
  2. Do the above truths make you angry? (because if you are not angry then you are part of the national problem)
  3. Do you plan to stop complying with this tyranny by actively spreading this information to others?

Metric #6: Irish life expectancy vs. the median age of a person that has died of Covid-19:


Government have justified Covid-19 restrictions in the name of protecting the elderly so it’s worth considering Irish life expectancy vs. the median age of a person that has died of Covid-19:

i.e. the vast majority of those dying from Covid-19 have already passed their CSO’s statistical age of life expectancy in Ireland – meditate upon that and ask if the Government’s argument is rational?

Questions for the reader:

  1. Do you plan to wake up any time soon?
  2. Do the above truths make you angry? (because if you are not angry then you are part of the national problem)
  3. Do you plan to stop complying with this tyranny by actively spreading this information to others?

Metric #7: The Irish will unquestioningly believe anything Dail Eireann, RTE and the rest of the Irish MSM tell them:

Here’s an uncomfortable fact that most Irish people just can’t get their heads around:

FACT: For something to be considered “scientific fact” it MUST be

  1. Observable
  2. Measurable and
  3. Repeatable

Common example: at atmospheric pressure we can observe and measure water boiling at 100°C and freezing at 0°C. This is repeatable every time it is checked so the boiling and freezing temperatures of water at 100°C and 0°C respectively are observable, measurable and repeatable they can be considered scientific fact.

FICTION: If RTE news or any of the Irish MSM ran stories conveying the narrative that “the latest science” says that the boiling and freezing temperatures of water are no longer 100°C and 0°C respectively and that “the latest science” says that now water acts differently, repeatability no longer applies, and the contention cannot be regarded as scientific fact. These days most Irish people unquestioningly accept that scientific facts change when required by Government Agenda:

Example no. 1: Back in March 2020 we were told that there was no scientific basis that wearing masks assisted in any way in curbing the spread of infection of Covid-19 but “the latest science” says that this is no longer the case and everyone unquestioningly buys into the narrative. The supposed research into “the latest science” is not quoted.

Truth-Watch.Today present some on Masks that the Government does not want you to know: click on the links to read source data:

Example No.2: This author is 50 years of age and for as long as he can recall the excuse given by vaccine manufacturers to explain why people that had been vaccinated with flu vaccines still caught the flu was “that the flu virus mutated so often that a vaccine developed for one strain would be ineffective against another strain”. But without any medical research to support their narrative the Irish people unquestioningly accept assurances from both Government and vaccine manufacturers that these latest vaccines cover all strains of mutated coronaviruses.

Questions for the reader:

  1. Do you plan to wake up any time soon?
  2. Do the above truths make you angry? (because if you are not angry then you are part of the national problem)
  3. Do you plan to stop complying with this tyranny by actively spreading this information to others?

Metric #8: What the increase in national debt means to the Irish taxpayer

In the 2008 crash the Irish Government bailed out the banks to a tune of €64 Billion and thereby ensure intergenerational national debt. Banks got bailed out and everyone else hit the skids with years of austerity. Now because of an excess of 997 deaths in year 2020 over those of year 2019 a government deficit of at least €23 billion is now likely for 2020; in January, the government expected a surplus of €2.6 billion this year.

Last time a new tax called USC was introduced and then property taxes and those divisive water charges cane along.

FACT: The Irish are willing participants in their own economic suicide. For the excess of 997 deaths in 2020 the nation can expect many more years of austerity to come while the political class that enforce this travesty on the nation will get multiple index-linked TD and ministerial pensions that can be drawn upon as soon as they are booted out of office. Their current largesse will ensure Joe public won’t ever be able to afford to contribute to their own pensions.

And if you thought that was bad enough,  it gets even worse – do think that if you have some savings and manage to keep your job you’ll struggle through? Well Truth-Watch.Today is here to inform you that you can expect some of those savings to disappear into this air because bank Bail-ins will be the new bail outs: In Europe, the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD), introduced in 2014 across the EU28, includes a ‘bail-in’ mechanism which aims to ensure that banks’ shareholders and creditors – including uninsured depositors – pay their share of costs. You’ll be poor but the bankers will sail through unscathed. With Bank credit ratings through the floor the banks will have to burn their creditors during the next crash. Most Irish people don’t comprehend that when they have money on deposit in a bank that they are uninsured creditors to the bank. This is why the bank reward you with interest for your loan to them (i.e. your deposit). When the crash comes [and come it shall] the percentage of your savings that will be taken by the banks to cover their losses will be huge. What do you think that will do for consumer confidence? Do you think there will be much discretionary spending for spending in the wider economy?

Questions for the reader:

  1. Do you plan to wake up any time soon?
  2. Do the above truths make you angry? (because if you are not angry then you are part of the national problem)
  3. Do you plan to stop complying with this tyranny by actively spreading this information to others?

Metric #9: The sheer idiocy of accepting the “logic” behind covid-19 restrictions:

  1. Government would have you believe that meeting the general population in social settings is a sure-fire way to contract covid-19 so socializing in pubs or sporting events is “dangerous” and must be banned. The Irish nation collectively refuses to contemplate the sheer absurdity of this contention in light of the fact that the staff at their local supermarkets meet the general public all of the time and none of them have died of Covid-19 – most have not had any illness worthy of note in all of this time.
  2. People are expected to exclude visits from people from other households to “limit the spread” but people go to work and meet loads of people from many different households
  3. The procurement of a meal worth €9 has an effect in curbing the spread of Covid-19 in a social setting

The fact that there are no peer reviewed scientific studies supporting any of this is unimportant – the Irish refuse to take their heads out of their arses and will go along with all of it and any other goof ball measures the government suggest.

Questions for the reader:

  1. Do you plan to wake up any time soon?
  2. Do the above truths make you angry? (because if you are not angry then you are part of the national problem)
  3. Do you plan to stop complying with this tyranny by actively spreading this information to others?

Metric #10: The sheer absurdity of accepting the ‘coincidence’ that the flu should happen to disappear completely in 2020 – the same year that Covid-19 makes an appearance….whatever happens don’t you go about thinking for yourselves and come to the conclusion that the flu has been renamed….

HSE chief medical officer confirms that the flu has disappeared in 2020 1hr & 26 minutes into this podcast

The flu has been with us since time immemorial but by sheer ‘coincidence’ it has completely disappeared in 2020. A new disease called Covid-19 with pretty much the same symptoms as the flu is here and is being used to restrict all of your freedoms.

 The HSE has recorded no cases of the Flu in 2020

The reasons given for the disappearance of influenza are as absurd as the contention:

  1. Government sources tell the people that Masks and social distancing have been very effective in eliminating the flu

But at the same time those same Government sources also tell the people that

The Irish Government have succeeded in instilling doublethink (per George Orwell’s 1984) within the population:

Doublethink is a process of indoctrination whereby the subject is expected to simultaneously accept two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in contravention to one’s own memories or sense of reality.[1] Doublethink is related to, but differs from, hypocrisy.

Questions for the reader:

  1. Do you plan to wake up any time soon?
  2. Do the above truths make you angry? (because if you are not angry then you are part of the national problem)
  3. Do you plan to stop complying with this tyranny by actively spreading this information to others?

Metric #11: Medical absurdities accepted as sensible outcomes

  1. If you get a positive PCR test and you die within 30 days of the test then they’ll record the death as a Covid-19 death 


2. If there’s a serious adverse reaction within 30 days of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine then they’ll say that it was not related to the vaccine….

Metric #12: For a disease with a CDC-confirmed survivability rate of 99.98% the Irish are gung-ho to take a untested and unapproved vaccine with serious risk of side effects and death:

They’ve only been rolling out the jabs since late 2020 (about 6 weeks at the time of writing) but here are the “coincidences” reported so far that the vaccine manufacturers say are unrelated to the Pfizer vaccine – notice that the Irish MSM have not covered these stories:

·        2 Alaska Health Workers Got Emergency Treatment After Receiving Pfizer’s Vaccine

·        Family calls for more research after young doctor left paralyzed in wake of taking Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in Mexico

·        Portuguese health worker, 41, dies two days after getting the Pfizer covid vaccine as her father says he ‘wants answers’

TWT cannot confirm which Vaccine manufacturer but here are some more “coincidental” deaths:


Here‘s what the UK official Statistics have to say as of Feb 22 2021:

Pfizer – UK vaccine reaction report here:

  • Adverse reactions: 77,207
  • Blindness: 9
  • Deaths: 197

Oxford Astra Zeneca – UK vaccine reaction report here:

  • Adverse reactions: 114,625
  • Blindness: 16
  • Deaths: 205

Questions for the reader:

  1. Do you plan to wake up any time soon?
  2. Do the above truths make you angry? (because if you are not angry then you are part of the national problem)
  3. Do you plan to stop complying with this tyranny by actively spreading this information to others?


Covid-19 Vaccines Deaths According to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System):

and if you are still OK those US death stats then consider this Harvard Study into the soundness of VAERS data that concludes that fewer than 1% of adverse reaction deaths are even reported to VAERS (click to see PDF of study below). Wake up stupid and do the math on the real vaccine adverse reaction numbers for yourself….


Based on CDC estimate that 5% of females of reproductive age are pregnant at any given time it appears that covid vaccines induce miscarriages in 15% of pregnant women according to VAERS data

Download the 11.63mb VAERS data here:

and check out the analysis of miscarriage data here:


The vaccine manufacturer’s playbook regarding all vaccine side effects / adverse reactions works as follows:  

  1. Vaccine manufacturers have a financial interest in getting regulatory approval of their vaccines to capture the already huge and soon to be mind-bogglingly enormous market [of soon to be] Government-mandated repeat customers.
  2. It is worth bearing in mind that vaccine manufacturers are businesses and like every business, they maintain firm focus on their share price and a keen eye on the company balance sheet as their first and only priority.
  3. If the vaccine business is to survive and thrive is imperative that the business’s default position be that vaccine adverse reactions are always explained away as ‘existing underlying conditions’
  4. The public are encouraged to believe the vaccine manufacturers every time and negative stories rarely make the MSM (although a quick google search will speedily show otherwise).
  5. Vaccine manufacturers are always completely safe from prosecution because there’s never any independent investigations to verify if they are telling the truth or not.
  6. The same people with the financial interests in claiming that the adverse effect was an “underlying condition” (i.e. the vaccine manufacturer) happen to be the same people that
  1. Conduct the investigation into the adverse reaction and
    1. Publishing the results of that investigation

And Dail Eireann are just one of the Governments that rubber stamp this process worldwide

 So everything’s just fine isn’t it?

Or is it?

The UK is expecting a tidal wave of adverse reactions to Covid Vaccines:

In the UK the MHRA do this job and they are expecting such a tidal wave of adverse reactions that they put a contract out to tender for an AI tool to deal with the expected high volume of adverse reactions. You can read the tender document here

No animal testing – what could possibly go wrong?

Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine trials skipped animal testing in the name of fast tracking vaccine approval. Should the public be concerned? Damn right they should: in an article on the Ecologist we read:

“The most forward-thinking coronavirus researchers are forgoing cruel and archaic tests on animals in favour of cutting-edge human-relevant methods.

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) decided to speed up the development of a possible vaccine by bypassing a lengthy animal testing phase in favour of testing it directly in humans. While some tests on animals were still involved in this case, NIH’s decision is a huge step towards safe, straight-to-human vaccine trials in the future.

This shift in thinking is long overdue. NIH reports that 95 percent of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human trials because they are either unsafe or ineffective. Mice – who have to be genetically engineered just to be susceptible to COVID-19 – show only mild symptoms of the disease.

Stephen Donnelly won’t lose any sleep over this statement but perhaps you should: “NIH reports that 95 percent of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human trials because they are either unsafe or ineffective”

Meditate upon what this means for you and your family:

95% of all vaccines that have been tested on animals first don’t make it to humans because they are either unsafe of ineffective. i.e. only 5% of new vaccines are deemed safe and / or effective for use on humans.

Viewed through this lens, the decision by the National Institute for health researchers to go straight to human testing with a 95% chance of disaster is reckless endangerment of the health of people with a 99.99% of survival of Covid-19 according to official CDC data.



  • Even among the most vulnerable age groups survivability rate of Covid-19 is 99.98%
  • In Ireland the Covid death rate is only 0.047% of the population
  • Government claims that the above justifies 654,545 persons on Pandemic unemployment payments and an extra 62,000 on the live register (STATE SPONSORED DESTRUCTION OF THE ECONOMY) and most Irish agree with them.
  • Just 997 extra deaths in 2020 over the number of deaths in 2019 – but most Irish think it’s a super killer.
  • Median age of covid-19 death exceed CSO life expectancy age by 2 to 5 years (i.e these people have all had “good innings”…most Irish accept this premise while ignoring the decades shortened off other lives through suicide and cancellation of elective procedures in Irish hospitals.
  • State sponsored “No jab no job policies” and “freedom passports” to coerce all citizens to take vaccines that have only been given conditional marketing approval in the EU (vaccines trials not scheduled to conclude until 2023 and these same vaccine trials have been accelerated to skip animal testing).
  • Known backdrop of vaccine injury, death and miscarriage – but the Irish refuse to look at the evidence and engage with it.


Here’s a quote from the I Ching / The book of of Changes written in China somewhere between 1000-750 BC:

“The superior man separates himself from the inferior man not with anger but with dignity”

That’s usually sound advice but under the current circumstances the inferior (i.e. the irrational and downright stupid cohort of society) present a danger to freedom, bodily integrity and health of the superior (the rational and intelligent cohort of society) so we have no choice but to finally get angry at “stupid” and try to shine a light into the dark crevices of their minds where “the light hath not been wonted to shine”


A question for all intellectually challenged Irish people

– do these facts hurt your feelings?

We deal with all of those facts on this web site and we quote incontrovertible source data. doesn’t operate for any financial gain. The only editorial bias you’ll find here is TRUTH.

Final Question: Do you plan to get your head out of your ar*e any time soon?